lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017


Hello everyone,

This term we have to do a project about  ICT. The theme me and Xabi have to talk is artificial inteligence and how we don't know much about the subject we have been looking for information about the subject.

This is what we are going to talk about.
  1. History of the artificial intelligence.
  2. Artificial intelligence nowadays.
  3. Differen examples.

 Here we have  the list of different pages about our subject, we hope they are helpfull.
See you soon,
Hello everyone,

This term we have been working on genetics and our theme was mutated food. Our teacher asked us to do some questions on our blog and I have worked with Alex.

This are the questions:

  •  Where was the radioactive explosion that caused many different  mutations?
    • Járkov
    • Leópolis
    • Chernovil
    • Donetsk
  •  Which are the three most popular natural mutations?
    • Animal mutation
    • Human mutation
    •  Robot mutation
    • Food mutation 
  • What effects can mutations have on animals?
    • Longer lifespan
    • Turn into another animal
    • You feel exhausted
    • You feel really hungry
  •  What good effects can a mutation have on a human?
    • It gives you wings
    • It can make you recover from illnesses
    • You can run faster
    • You become clever
  • What is a mutant food?
    • It's a type of food that suffers changes in the DNA and that can change in colour, size, form... Usually it's done so the food does't get rotten.
  • Explain this photo. 
    • In this photo we can see the process of three different tomatos. The three types of tomato are a non-modificated tomato, a semi-mutated tomato anda completely mutated tomato. You can see that the natural tomato starts getting rotten in 10 days. The semi-mutated tomato changes of colour but doesn't get rotten. The  completely mutated tomato doesn't have any changes whatsoever.
  • Mutated food.
    • The mutant food happens when a food changes its DNA, and like that the food  changes the size, the form and the colour. This mutation is done not to get rotten. If we change the DNA of a food, it can have less proteins and vitamins; so it is better to eat a natural or non mutant food, for instance, we can think about the tomato example: The three types of tomato are a non-modificated tomato, a semi-mutated tomato anda completely mutated tomato. You can see that the natural tomato starts getting rotten in 10 days. The semi-mutated tomato changes of colour but doesn't get rotten. The  completely mutated tomato doesn't have any changes whatsoever.