lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016



  This is a egiptian myth about the creation of the universe. There is a giant central mound and three suns shaining it. There are also two godnesses pouring the mound with water.

Resultado de imagen de universeThe universe is were everything that exits is. In the Universe there are all the planets, stars, galaxies...

 This is a myth about the creation of the sky. There were a sky father who has created the sky and the four direction with colors: East-white, West-blue, South-yellow and North-black.

There are two sientific point of views about the universe. One is that it never had a beginning and that it will never have an end. The other one is t

hat ther was a beginning and that some day there will be an end.

Resultado de imagen de materia del universo The universe's 90% of the matter is the dark matter and the rest 10% are gas and energy.

The Big Bang is a theory that sais that everything was concentrated in  a point and that there was an explotion that expanded it. That is how the universe was created.

 After this Big Bang all the planets, stars, asteroids... were created. There are seven different planets.

The stars are really big. We think that the sun is not a star but actually it is the biggest one.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

  Hello everybody, this is my first entry in this blog because my teacher asked me to write about a piece of news related with science. This is what I choose because I am really interested in  the other plantes.


Schiaparelli Lander Prepares for Touchdown on Mars

After the European Space Agency (ESA) crashed a orbiter that was called Rosetta about three weeks ago against a comet. But now they are planning to touchdown in Mars in October 19. They are sending a craft that is called Schiaparelli.

The ESA feels confident on landing because the NASA has landed in the Red Planet about seven times. A company from Russia is also helping them and that other company is  planning to land in 2020.

The Shiaparelli craft is of the size of a smart car and it has an orbiter desgined by the ESA that will analyse the planet.