lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

My blog

Hello everyone,

I am sorry I didn't upload in a long time but it was because instead of publishing my work I just saved it so it was in the draft.

I have uploaded everything now and I hope you like it.

See you soon,

My opinion about this term

Hello everyone,

We are just finishing our term and we are going to have an exam soon about the presentations that my mates have done but before all of that I want to give my opinion about this term.

On the one hand, what I really enjoyed of this term was the fact that each group had to design their own website and show it to all the class. I thought there were great websites and you can check them out here.

On the other hand, I didn't enjoy when we had to read some texts that I think were too long and difficult to follow.

All in all, I think next term we should do more works in groups like creating another website, and not read because I think that people don't follow those classes.

See you soon,


Hello, today our teacher asked us to do our one portfolio and he gave us a table to complete. This is what I have done:
My portfolio

Women and Science

Hello everyone,
This is a work that our teacher has asked us to do for a magazine that we are making for our school. I have worked on this poject with another blogger called Xabi, you can check him here.

Click here to see our work.

Before ending, we also want to apologise because we tried putting an image but it didn't work. We wanted to put that image between the text but it didn't work.

Pantaila-argazkia 2017-01-31 08:58:35.png
See you soon readers,

Women and science

Hello everyone,
Our teacher has asked us to give him some ideas so that we can do different activities that will be related with science and women. This are the activities that I've thought of:

  1. Ask some questions in the street to see if what people know about this theme.
  2. Doing a social experiment in the street, for example, a student can start saying things to people about this theme and see how they react.
  3. We can also do a magazine so the students in our school learn a bit.
Hope you find this ideas interesting.
See you soon, 

martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Hello everyone,
This term we have done a website to talk about biomedicine. The theme that me and my good friend Xabi had to do was rehabilitation. We worked very hard on this project because we found it interesting and when we finished it, we showed to our class. We made them do different activities so they knew what to do when they had an injury.

We hope any of you find it interesting.
This is the website:

See you soon,